No book shall be taken out of the library without the knowledge of the Librarian and until it has been properly entered in the Loan Register and the entry is attested by the borrower.
Each borrower must examine the condition of the books before those are issued. Otherwise in case of mutilation found later, the responsibility will lie with the borrower.
Books shall be returned within the period allowed to a borrower.
When the date for returning a book falls due on an authorized holiday, it should be returned to the library on the day of opening of the College after holiday.
All books belonging to the library and in possession of the borrower shall be, before the College is closed for a long vacation, returned to the library on or before the date notified for the purpose.
Anybody having a library book shall have to return the same immediately whenever (s)he receives requisition notice from the Librarian. .
Books taken out of the library must be returned to the Librarian or the Assistant Librarian at the counter.
No marginal, other notes or any marking shall be made in the library books, nor shall any picture or page be removed or torne or otherwise disfigured. In such cases the borrower may be asked to replace the book damaged by him/her. If replacement is not possible (s)he will have to pay the price of the book at that time in addition to 50% extra as penalty.
A borrower against whom any overdue or other charges are outstanding shall not be allowed to borrow books from the library, nor shall s(he) be allowed to withdraw his/her library deposit until the library dues are deared.
If any borrower keeps a library book for more than the time allowed for the purpose, no more books will be issued until the book(s) already is/are taken restored to the library with appropriate fine. In extreme cases the privilege of using the library may be denied to such borrowers.
All those who may happen to be inside the library or in its neighbourhood are expected to observe strict silence.
Members of the teaching staff are also expected to use their influence to promote the observance of this rule whenever they are in the library and to report to the Principal cases of deliberate disobedience and misbehavior.
The Librarian is to see that the rule of silence is strictly observed and report any willful breach of the rule.
The Library premises should not be used for any purpose other than reading or consulting the books and periodicals of the library.
Spitting, smoking and sleeping inside the. library are strictly forbidden.
The following is the list showing the maximum number of books that may be issued to various classes of borrowers.
(a) Members of teaching staff - 25nos. each
(b) Head Clerk, Demonstrators & Librarian- 15 nos. each
(c) Ministerial Staff - 10 nos. each
(d) Oass-IV Employees - 05 nos. each
(e) Students (i) +2 - 01 no. each
(ii) +3(Pass/Hons) - 02 nos: each
A book once issued to a borrower may be reissued- to him only when nobody else wants to take the book. Books before reissue shall be presented to the librarian for necessary entries in the register.
Books of reference, maps, calendars, courses of Studies, questionnaires. University documents and rare books shall not be issued for use outside the library.
Prescribed text-book shall be issued only to the lecturers and students concerned.
Members of the teaching staff and other employees of the College may take books from library on signing a loan Register. Students must take out books on cards which will be given to them after they are admitted to the College.
The time allowed to borrowers excepting the member of the staff and those specially permitted by the Principal is 14 days and is 1 month in the case bf members of the teaching staff when they borrow books on a subject other than their own.. In the case of those students who do not return library books within the time allowed a fine @50 paisa per day will be charged for each day of delay. Suitable action will be taken against them after one month. Application for reduction or cancellation of fines will not be entertained.
For use in the reading room one book/ magazine/ newspaper may be issued to every student on a call slip and on production 'of Identity Card.
A student who wants to borrow books from the library should present his/her library card along with the list of books in order of preference. Books borrowed earlier must be returned before one borrows another book.
No student will be allowed to keep library books with him/her during the summer vacation. .
If a student loses his/her card, another card will be issued to him/her on receipt of application and on payment of Rs.10/and the student will also have to give a photograph for the same.
All the books should be returned before the stock verification. Books will be issued to the members of the staff after the stock verification.
If a volume of a series is lost, the borrower shall have to replace the volume or pay the price of the entire series at that time.
If a periodical is lost, the borrower has to replace the copy. Books more in demand shall be issued to the students for seven days.
No student can enter the reading room unless he submits the Identity card.
Periodicals may be issued to the staff members for overnight study, or if necessary, for a few nights. The borrower will have to return the journals on the next working day. S(H)e may borrow it again in the evening if his/her work is not over. If a borrower loses a book s(h)e may either have to replace the book or pay three times the price of the book lost.
Additional Rules For The Library
The library books/ seminar books which are issued to the student of 1st year classes must be returned to the library or seminar before 15 days of the closing of the College for the summer vacation.
Students of 2nd year and 3rd year classes must return the books before the filling up of the forms for appearing at the Higher Secondary Examination or University Examination as the case may be. Otherwise the defaulters will be fined Re.1.00 for each day for each book till the date of return of books.
Students who discontinue their study can return the books before their studentship ceases with a fine Re.1.00 for each day for each book. No application will be entertained for any consideration in this respect.
Rules For Issue Of Duplicate Identity-Cum-Library Card
- A duplicate Identity cum-Library Card may be issued to a student on receipt of genuine evidence in support of the loss of Original Identity-cum-Library Card, duly examined by a ! Committee set up for the purpose, and in such a case the! student concerned will have to furnish an undertaking to the i effect that in case the Original Card is found, it will be refunded ' to the authority for cancellation, and in case the Original Card, is misused for borrowing library book he/she will be held i responsible for getting books issued against the Original as well as the duplicate card.
- A student will be required to submit a report from the Academic and Examination Sections regarding his/her admission particulars and get clearance from the Library regarding issue of books in the original card.
- On verification of the genuineness of loss of the card, receipt of undertaking, report of academic section and clearance from the library, the concerned student will be permitted to deposit a sum of Rs.20.00 (Rupees Twenty only) in the Accounts Section and produce the money receipt along with one attested copy of his/her photograph in the library for issue of Duplicate Identity-cum-Library Card within a week time. No triplicate Identity-cum-Library Card will be issued to the student.