Categories of Hostel
The College provides three hostels, one for the S.C. and S.T. students, another for women students and the third for students of general castes. N. the beginning of each academic session applications for admission to the hostel are invited from the students. As a limited number of seats are available, preference is given to the students on merit and good conduct. A student at the time of admission shall have to give an undertaking to the effect that he will abide by the rules and regulations of the hostel as introduced by the Principal or the Superintendent. Boarders shall take care of furniture supplied to them.
The Superintendent who is responsible for the maintenance of order and discipline shall have the power to punish any boarder if hostel dues for the concerned month are not clear. Hostel fees will be collected as mentioned in the prospectus. Hostels are closed during Puja Holidays and Summer Vacation. Boarders appearing in the University Examination may be permitted by Principal to stay in the hostel during vacations.