Each academic session has two terms ie. i) From June to December ii) From January to May.
In the beginning of the academic session admission into various classes begins and continues till the last date prescribed for such admission by the University/ CHSE, Orissa.
A student before getting himself/herself admitted into the College shall be required to sign an undertaking in the proper form to the effect that he/she will abide by the rules of the College. In case of a student who is minor at the time of admission, his/her guardian has to give an undertaking.
Each student must register in the College Office the address he lives at. Any subsequent change of address must be intimated to the office as early as possible.
Students should not disturb the Principal with applications. These should be handed over either to the concerned dealing Clerk or Head Clerk who will place them before the Principal.
4. Private Clubs or Teams:
No student is allowed to be a member of any outside athletic club or any other type of club or society, and to play for any team other than the College team without the written order of the Principal.
5. Permission to accompany the College Team:
When a team of students is to play any match outside Anandapur in connection with inter-college or University matches or the team is required to represent elsewhere for any other purpose, members of the team. and students accompanying the team must obtain leave from the Principal before departure. Boarders must obtain the permission of the Superintendent of Hostel.
6. Bi-cycles :
Bi-cycles must be padlocked and be kept in the Bi-cycle Shed or places specified for bicycle parking. Bi-cycles should not be kept on the College verandahs. Students should not handle bi-cycles which are not their own.
7. Dress Code:
It is obligatory for all the students of this College to be in the Uniforms in conformity with the Dress Code of this College. A student found dressed in, costumes other than the ones prescribed by the College will be fined Rs.25/- per day.
8. Discipline :
- Students are not allowed to enter the College Office, Staff Common Room or meet the Principal directly. They should stand in a queue near the counter of the College Office while paying their tuition fees. Any type of query or _requirement should be, done through slips.
- Spitting and writing on the walls, floors and doors of the College are strictly prohibited.
- Scribing, pasting playcards, posters and disfiguring the College walls in any manner are strictly prohibited.
- Tampering with the light and fan switches is strictly prohibited.
- Students shall not loiter or stand in group on the verandahs or near the Staff Common Room. When they have no classes to attend they may remain either in Students Common Room or Reading Room.
- No club or society should be started or maintained in the College and no function should be organised without the prior approval of the Principal.
- Students should behave in the class room, examination hall and outside in a disciplined manner. All cases of indiscipline shall be seriously dealt with.
- Continuous absence without leave for one or more days on the part of the student is a serious breach of College discipline.
- Any student who absents himself from any terminal examination without obtaining exemption from the Principal will be fined Rs.10/- for each paper he is marked absent. Willful absence from such examination will make him liable to have his promotion withheld.
- Misbehavior of College students at football or other matches or in any other functions will be severely dealt with.