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  1. There shall be a Pre-Test Examination for students of 2nd year of +2 classes and 2nd and 3rd year of +3 classes before or after the Puja Holidays and a Test Examination in November.
  2. There shall be two Examinations. The 1st Terminal and the Annual in the 1st year of +2 and that of +3 classes. The First Terminal Examination will be held in November and the Annual Examination will be held in April. Besides these there shall be written exercises in fifty percent of the tutorial classes.
  3. Since all these examinations are compulsory, students are required to appear at the examinations in order to be promoted to the next higher class or be sent up to appear at the University / CBSE Examinations. Students failing these examinations shall be detained.
  4. A student failing to appear at any sitting of the said Examinations shall pay a fine of Rs.l0j-. A student who fails to appear in all sittings/ papers is to pay a fine of Rs.50/- and shall have to appear at special examination.
  5. A student found in possession of incriminating material or copying or using any other unfair means in the college examinations in order to gain any improper advantage will be refused promotion or penalised in any other form which is deemed proper.
  6. S(he) will be fined Rs.50/- per sitting and awarded zero in the subjects in which s(he) adopts malpractice.

Higher Secondary Examination (+2 Stage) :

The C.H.S.E conducts Annual Examination and Instant Examinations for +2 candidates.

Eligibility of Instant Examination:

The following candidates are eligible to appear at Instant Examinations:

(i) Failed candidates, those who have secured the prescribed aggregate pass mark but have failed to secure pass mark in anyone subject including 4th optional are eligible to appear at the Instant Examination.

(ii) Such candidates have to fill up the form for that particular subject on depositing requisite fees within a fortnight from the publication of Higher Secondary Examination result. .

Compartmental Appearance:

If a candidate fails in the +2 Examination but obtains pass marks in any subject for which separate pass marks are required and also secures pass marks in the aggregate he/ she shall be exempted, on application, from appearing in the subjects in which he/she originally passed. A candidate can avail of this opportunity for the next two consecutive Examinations following the Annual Examination.

III. University Examination (+3 Stage) :

No communication in details from the North Orissa University regarding the conduct of examinations in Pass and Honours courses have so far reached this institution. Students are advised to consult the College Examination Section regarding the rules.